Tuesday, May 1, 2012


1. this vlog // i'm a sucker for accents 

2. i like seeing people's stories. i like people who create. i like beautiful photos. therefore i LOVE this  // i think katie's just the cutest

3. this genius product //  i don't actually know how to use chopsticks but if someone ever gave me these i'd learn and respond with quite the enthusiastic xie xie!

4. "touch tours" // i think these are just beautiful. would love to witness one.

5. what a woman.  // i love this photographer's work. this slideshow is incredible

6. this app // best 99 cents i've spent in a while (plays well with social networks)

7. this sweet stop motion announcement  // so proud of my sweet friend, Mary! Check out her new photo business, launching this summer!

8. this magazine // if anyone wanted to subscribe me to this for my birthday, i would give you one heck of a high five and probably a pretty big hug too.  

9. this blog column // lovely couples, fun facts, and quirky little illustrations. what's not to love?

10. this e-sesh // my friend Jeff Jones is one incredibly talented photographer. and this couple, well this couple is ridiculously good looking.


  1. Totes downloading that app right now! I was wondering how you've been getting your Twitpics to look so awesome lately!

  2. THIS IS an excellent post. I feel inspired. To be stylish.
