Wednesday, May 9, 2012


this is claire. one of my dearest, most favorite friends.

claire and i were hall mates for a year and housemates the next. the fact that we both blogged was how we met as freshmen living in Collins (claire doesn't remember this. i do). that was back when my blogging looked more like a dramatic, poor me, let-me-vent-my feelings/frustrations on the world wide web type thing. and she still decided to be my friend, Praise God. 

she is an insightful and incredibly talented writer. the girl is brilliant. sometimes i compare her to c.s. lewis. i think very highly of my friends(:
she wants to spend the rest of her life loving people. whatever that might look like.
she is one of the most refreshing people to just "be" with.
she is an adventure-chaser.
she calls things out in people they can't see in themselves. i've been on the receiving end of this many a time and am so thankful.
she cant get enough of this
she's a phenomenal hostess. the girl can cook/bake like no other. glory hallelujah for sharing a kitchen with this one. 

claire i miss you dearly and absolutely positively cannot wait to see you come august. 
you are a joy to live life with and who knows maybe someday, somehow we'll end up sharing quarters again! love you sweet friend!

Things Claire is thankful for right this moment:

1. That I don't have to be perfect; Jesus did that for me
2. Professors who encourage me to think out of the box
3. Strangers who smile back
4. Sound of wind in the treetops at night
5. Chirping birds
6. Emails from long-distance friends
7. Accents
8. Walking home under the stars
9. The sound of the morning
10. People who are different from me


  1. You are the sweetest. My eleventh item should be that I'm thankful for YOU!

    Because I am.

    Miss you dearly! xo

  2. Of all the people I know, I look forward to seeing what Claire does with her life the most. She is destined for greatness!

    Someday I'll come visit you wherever you are, Claire!

  3. I have the coolest sister ever.

  4. Smiles everywhere! I love how you people love! You all have taught me much!
