Sunday, April 29, 2012


this is nicole. i find her absolutely adorable.

Nicole is kind, confident, encouraging, laid back, and quite the natural in front of the camera. She's heading to Blinn in the fall and while a part of me wishes she was coming to Baylor, I can deal with the fact that College Station is a mere 1.5 hours away and so there is still hope for our friendship continuing(: Especially since her sister, Michelle, lives here!

Earlier this week Nicole contacted me wondering if I could squeeze in a senior session really last minute. We originally thought we'd have to post pone until later in the summer but luckily the odds were in our favor. Facebook messages exchanged and times set, she road tripped from Houston to Waco, met me at my house and the rest, well the rest is documented below.

Praise the Lord it worked out because this was one of the most refreshing shoots I've ever done and possibly my favorite to date. 

I hope you love them Nicole. You are stunning!


kelsey and her mom came to town a few weekends ago for a cheer clinic at baylor. kelsey is graduating from high school back in good ole abilene and (at the time) was trying out to be THE baylor bear. sic em bruiser! the timing was perfect and we got to meet up for a bit and snag some pictures. bless kelsey's heart, the wind was a-blowin pretty much our entire shoot. i think she made it work though. i have proof to back up that opinion (see images below) enjoy!

also, i've since found out that kelsey made mascot at baylor and will officially be here in the fall! congratulations kels--so happy for you and so very excited to be sharing a city/campus with you!

Friday, April 27, 2012


FEATURING: that awkward moment when...

you have no idea what she's saying but you want to be empathetic 

someone in the group just doesn't quite fit in3_kVGr on Make A Gif, Animated Gifs

you share that you and whats-his-name totally just DTRed.

the only appropriate response is a glory wave. in a public place.

your discipler suggests you go on a dating fast.
2YQyO3 on Make A Gif, Animated Gifs

Thanks for stopping by!