Thursday, May 17, 2012


I'd like you to meet my friend Tyler.

Tyler was the first friend I ever made at Baylor, actually one of the first people I ever met. (heyo line camp, thanks and sicem). Most of my memories from college, the big ones anyway, well Tyler's in them. I am so happy to have known and been friends with him these past 3 years! 

he is the most disciplined person i know. in all areas of life. this also makes him one of the freest people i know.
he used to be go by ty. that was a short lived phase, but it was fun while it lasted.
he sings. all day er'day. you trail off a sentence and i guarantee you he'll finish it in song.
he bears an uncanny resemblance to this one.
he is a great slack-er. 
he is really intentional about getting to know people. the guy's a great question asker. 
he is absolutely positively unashamed of the gospel of Christ
he would really excel at sign language. well thats my personal opinion. he always talks with his hands.
he is rather faun-y. 

Tyler, as of a few days ago, is halfway around the world in Bangalore, India. For the first two weeks, he'll be with a team from our section on a short term mission trip, loving people, praying for, and telling them about Jesus. Then, when everyone else heads home, Tyler'll be staying the rest of the summer for an internship with a local business (I wish I knew more of these details, but if you're dying to know you can either ask him or let me know and I'll try and find out more!) Basically, Tyler's going to be having a blasty blast in Bangalore allll summer.

Things Tyler is thankful for right this moment: 

1. Jesus is alive!!!
2. People in High school that didn't know Jesus are passionately following him now!
3. My Fam
4. My house
5. The Lodge (Bros)
6. Canoeing (is the new hammocking)
7. My slackline
8. Spiritual Authority
9. Being outside
10. Jonathan David & Melissa Helser's new album

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